In depth informal study of the weekly Torah or Haftarah portion at B'nai Zion before Shabbat morning worship services. Attendance at services is not required to join the Torah Study (and attendance at Torah study is not required to join the worship services).
9:45-11:00 AM Saturday morning Study
(11:00-12:00 Worship Service)
No fees. No registration required. Come often or infrequently. Learn with us any time.
Occasional guest lecturers. See B'nai Zion bulletin and calendar for more details.
Donate to Rabbi Jana's Discretionary Fund (or any other fund) at B'nai Zion by clicking HERE.
Helpful materials:
The Torah: A Modern Commentary (Revised Edition), Edited by Gunther Plaut
URJ Press, 2005
Etz Hayim: Torah and Commentary, The Rabbinic Assembly / The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, 2001
"Tikkun" / The Torah Reader's Compendium, Kestenbaum Edition, Artscroll Series, Mesorah Publications, 2001
The Torah: A Women's Commentary, Edited by Tamara Cohn Eskenazi; Assoc. Ed. Andrea L. Weiss, URJ Press and Women of Reform Judaism, 2008
The Bedside Torah: Wisdom, Visions, and Dreams, by Bradley Shavit Arston, Contemporary Books, 2001
Day By Day -- Reflections on the Themes of the Torah from Literature, Philosophy, and Religious Thought , Edited by Chaim Stern, Central Conference of American Rabbis, 1998
The Women's Torah Commentary: New Insights from Women Rabbis on the 54 Weekly Torah Portions, Edited by Rabbi Elyse Goldstein, Jewish Lights Publishing, 2000
The Modern Men's Torah Commentary: New Insights from Jewish Men on the 54 Weekly Torah Portions, Edited by Rabbi Jeffrey K. Salkin, Jewish Lights Publishing, 2009